
This page will give you a better understanding of staking at WENWEN Protocol.

Users can stake the incentive token SHARE for the fee earning and governance token sSHARE.

To learn more about SHARE, please refer.

To learn more about sSHARE, please refer.


Visit WENWEN Protocol, click on Stake

You will be redirected to the Stake page

Entering the amount of SHARE you would like to stake for sSHARE

Please note that all the sSHARE are subject to a 24 Hours lock-up period. Every time a user stakes SHARE, the user will not be able to unstake or claim them for the following 24 hours.

You will be able to see your Stake Information on the right side of the page. Click on Claim, and you will be able to claim your sSHARE tokens.

  • SHARE Wallet Balance: This shows the amount of SHARE you have in your wallet

  • sSHARE Wallet Balance: This shows the amount of sSHARE you have in your wallet

  • Exchange Rate: This shows the exchange rate of SHARE and sSHARE

  • APR: This shows the percentage of your initial deposit you will receive back after 365 days

  • Lock sSHARE: This shows the amount of sSHARE is locked

  • Unlock Time: This shows the time you will be able to claim your sSHARE or unstake your SHARE

To unstake your SHARE, enter the amount of sSHARE you would like to burn to unstake SHARE. Click on Unstake, and you will be able to see the amount of unstaked SHARE in your wallet balance.

Last updated